Dear travel guide,
I learned an awesome lot during this weekend, and the journey still vibrates in me... when the going gets tough theses days, I am grateful to be able to apply the practices I learned and anchor myself through them.
- You found a good balance between theoretical input and practical exercises. I especially liked the practice about localising emotions within our body and toning them, but also the exercises where we sounded together as a group, like in "the wings of sound". The partner exercises about toning our emotions felt deeply connecting and opening, it was very intense, like stroking wothout touch, truly wow!
I found it remarkable how you managed to turn confrontative vibrations into constructive, positive feedback for the group.
I said it already during the workshop and I repeat it here: With all my heart I thank you for toning for me and supporting me energetically, when at one point I wasnt able to find my way. That was a uniquely liberating experience. My deepest respect!
the third ear - vocal self healing (weekend)
10. März 2020